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Hot Laps Page 12

  As we walked out of the diner that morning, I looked over at his gang raped hair again. “Am I a bad influence on you?”

  “You’re a bad influence on my liver and my bank account, but on me personally, no. Not at all.”

  That actually made me feel loads better.

  We all pretty much parted ways after that, I had a horrible headache as well and crashed once I hit my bed. Casten apparently had plans with his grandma tonight so, sadly, there was no option of him coming back to my apartment, which I’d been silently hoping for.

  Slide Job – A pass made usually in open wheel dirt racing where a car will take the inside line going into a corner, or the outside, and slide past another driver advancing his position.

  Wednesday at work was horrible. I had so much stuff to get caught up on and no one was happy that I wasn’t there to get their coffee and make their copies. It’s as though none of them knew how to walk over to Starbucks or press the “START” button on the copy machine.

  Olivia sat down at her desk and sighed looking over at Noah who came upstairs to give me an invoice to get approved by Jameson. Silently, I was depressed Casten didn’t personally deliver the invoice but I also knew he was probably overwhelmed having taken yesterday off.

  “So, where were you yesterday?” Angela asked typing away on her keyboard.

  My first thought was why was she talking to her computer and then I thought, oh right, she’s talking to you, dumb ass.

  Just lie, make something up like you had diarrhea or a headache.

  “I was hungover,” I admitted before my brain could lie properly.

  “And Casten was with you?”

  “Come again?” I hid my face behind my screen. I wasn’t sure how appropriate it would be to be talking about this with others, in particular, co-workers.

  What if Casten didn’t want people to know he was with me last night?

  “Oh, well, Bailey said you and Casten had some drinks…that’s why.”


  “Yeah, we went out.”

  Olivia leaned forward so her face was near the cubicle wall separating us, her features curious. “So what’s he like? I mean, I tried for the longest time to get him interested in me, and nothing. Kristy, you know, the one who was in here last week who works for Riley Racing, she tried for years and then that rep for Edan Manufacturing, Jensen, she climbed on his toolbox naked and nothing. He’s picky. After a while, we thought he was gay but Noah and Cole said he wasn’t.”

  “He’s not gay, that I know of. But I wouldn’t really know for sure.” I told her trying not to focus on all the women he’d denied and that I was currently on that list – a list I wasn’t pleased with being on.

  Work got in the way before Olivia and I could gossip anymore. I had to email Jameson a few invoices he was looking for while he was on the road, so that meant me going in his office.

  As soon as I opened the door, I knew I was in trouble.

  I spent more time staring at pictures of him and his cover model wife and family. It was like they were all airbrushed or something.

  There was a couple of Casten, standing knee deep with engine parts all around him and a wrench in hand. He looked to be about five or six at the time. And if I thought he was cute now, he was fucking adorable as a child. Then I started thinking about a tiny baby Casten with rusty hair and little wrenches in his or her hands. Those thoughts quickly passed because I would have been the mommy to the child in that dream and let’s hope to fucking God I never become a mother. Seriously, that would not be good. More power to the women who can birth children and raise them properly but I can’t even take care of a dog for a week without silently hoping it runs away – I do not need a child.

  When I got back to my desk, my phone rang just about the time I was about to eat my donut.

  “Do you have donuts up there?” Casten asked, as if he could smell them from downstairs.

  “No,” I lied, taking a large bite from my maple bar and chewing in his ear.

  “I thought I smelled them.” I could hear his laughter through the phone even though he was trying not to lead on.

  “No.” Setting the donut down on my napkin, I took a drink from my coffee beside it. “You were mistaken.”

  “I’ll just come up there and check then. Just to be sure.”

  “Fine.” I sighed intending to keep the last two for myself. “I got donuts and they’re mine. You can’t have any.”

  “Fine, I’ll just come up there and watch you eat them then.”

  When he got up there I ended up giving him a donut just because he looked so sad watching me eat mine.

  Watching our interactions together, Olivia smiled widely but said nothing. As Casten was heading back downstairs, he smiled at Olivia.

  As soon as he was out of sight, she was at my desk. “You can’t tell me nothing’s going on now. Spill the details!”

  So I did. I told her about the party and how I’ve been trying to get him in bed but he won’t give it up. She had no advice for me. None. I spilled my guts to her and all she did was collect the information and offered nothing in return.

  I had this strange feeling she had a thing for Casten. Actually, after that, I knew she had a thing for him because all she wanted to know were the details surrounding anything intimate between us.

  There’s a reason why Anna is my only friend. It’s because of shit like Olivia pulled.

  The rest of that Wednesday was spent doing the usual coffee runs, copying, writing up minutes from the meeting on Monday and answering the phones while dirty mechanics flirted with me on the phone. They usually called to speak to Casten or Jameson about engine diagnostics but I usually had the pleasure of speaking to them first. Before long I found myself talking sultry and offering up sexual references to them. I had no idea why I did this but I did. I tend to think this was just to pass the time but it also provided loads of entertainment for me when the confident wrenchers got tongue-tied when I asked what their bearing clearance was.

  Around six I finished up everything I needed to get done that day and thought of ways to get Casten in bed tonight. I texted Anna for advice since I would never look to Olivia for advice again.

  I need to fuck him, what should I do? The boy keeps his dick on lock down!

  She texted back immediately: Cole says to get naked and sit on his toolbox with a 6-pack.

  Cole didn’t say that.

  You’re right, he didn’t. But it’s good advice.

  Contemplating my attack, I got some beer from my apartment that Adam had put in the fridge and decided on what to wear.

  It wasn’t hard to decide.

  After changing into the most provocative dress I had, black, of course, I headed back to the shop where all the lights in the office were off, aside from the flourescent glow coming from the shop.

  Walking downstairs, six-pack in hand, I had one mission. Finishing this race.

  When I thought about what to expect of Casten working late, I envisioned him all greasy and sweaty and wanting me. What surprised me the most when I opened the door was the music blaring throughout the stereo filled the room.

  Guess what song?

  I nearly fell on my face with laughter.

  “Baby Got Back” by Sir Mix-A-Lot.

  Anyone who knows me knows I can shake my ass to this song like nobody’s business. I once did a very graphic dance to this for my sixth grade talent show. Sure, I was suspended for it, but still great memories.

  By the time I reached the last step, I was so turned on singing to myself. The first thirty seconds of the song were done and it was getting to the lyrics. What surprised me most was when I heard that familiar voice belt the lyrics out in a way that had me downing my beer and finding a seat across from his stall to watch this. I was not interrupting this show.

  I drank another beer and held on tight for what I knew was the biggest turn on yet.

  As he sang, he was shaking his ass and dancing around as he bolted on a few parts t
o the engine he was working on.

  If you understood my obsession with rap, you’d understand why this affected me so. Nobody, not even Anna, appreciated my love for the original rap. It was way before I was born but still, the best always happened before our time.

  Look at the seventies.

  After thrusting in the air, Casten tossed a towel over his shoulder and stuck both hands inside the block and moved something around, hands and wrists moving quickly, belted out another verse.

  Turning around, he tossed the towel toward his tool box missing the garbage and leaving it laying on the concrete floor. With his focus on the engine, he practically lifted the entire engine before turning it on the hoist for a better angle, his arms and every muscle in his arms and chest flared with exertion. I couldn’t see his face very well; his head was bent forward directed on the fast movements of his hands as they worked inside the engine.

  By the time the song was nearing an end, I was a little uncomfortable so I shifted on the stool I was sitting on and fell off the motherfucker landing on my ass.

  Not exactly my most graceful move yet, but so far, had I done anything graceful around him?


  I heard a familiar chuckle over the music. “How long you been watching me?”

  “Long enough to need a change of underwear,” I grunted pushing myself from the floor before walking over to him.

  He stood there body strong, hair wild, and breathing heavy. “Is that so?”

  His eyes darkened as he drew in a quick breath, quickly he was on me as my back slammed against his toolbox before I even comprehended the movement. The metal tools clanked against each other with the force but it didn’t stop us. His hands slid down my body wrapping around the backs of my knees and then pulled them up around his waist. Slowly his hands moved from my legs, his lips holding me in place and wrapped around my neck angling my head and chin up. He looked at me, his fingers providing just enough grip on my face and neck that it was a complete turn on.

  The next moment, his lips, soft and sweet hovered at my ear.

  “Have you been drinking?” he asked breathlessly, his stout hips pushed forward, lips and teeth attacking, sucking, nipping and scraping anywhere he could find skin to do so.

  There was no question he wanted this just as much as I did.

  “I’ve drank four beers while you sang that song.” I handed him one from my six-pack I brought over with me. “I saved you two.”

  His eyes searched mine, his breathing slowing as his lips left my skin.

  “You have that look in your eye.” He said, his voice rough.

  I swallowed, and then drew in a deep breath. “What look?”

  Casten’s eyes dropped from mine, to my lips, and then back again. “The one that tells me know you have exactly what I want.”

  “The beer?”

  “No. You.”

  Well fuck. That’s hot.

  My once hot skin turned to ice without his hot breath. I handed him the beer, which he took but his expression changed and he let go of my legs allowing me to find my footing. Casten winked, slowly took a drink from the beer staring at me.

  Over the last few days, I learned that Casten’s penetrating stare could make anyone squirm and had that affect on me more than I wanted it too.

  “Hayden,” the way he said my name was intoxicating and I wished I had a recorder. It sent shock waves through me, tempting me to do very naughty things with him or to him. He reached up to cup my cheek. “I still have some work to do here, I’m sorry. I can’t do this tonight.”

  That did nothing to distract me because I’ve seen this boy work and watching him work would be far more rewarding than going to some bar but wouldn’t be nearly as rewarding as having him in bed with me.

  Oh, the decisions.

  “Well,” I met his gaze. “I’ll just stay and watch. How about that?”

  His finger traced over my lips before he replaced his lips with it. I moaned leaning into his kiss, his strong arms circled around my waist, our bodies pressed together.

  Surrounded by his heady scent only increased the desire and I was nearing taking my clothes off to convince him I was far more interesting than this engine sitting in his stall.

  He groaned a shuttering breath when my hips bucked against him.

  “Do you have any idea how bad I want this?” he pressed his erection against my center; my legs were wrapped around his waist again with only thin flimsy, damp cotton separating us.

  “If you want this so bad, then take it,” I told him pulling back to look at him and then unzipping my dress. “What’s stopping you?”

  His hands stopped me mid-zip. “I can’t, Hayden, not tonight.”

  We stared at each other for a moment, both of our chests heaving with our labored breathing. I could see the muscles in his chest tightening as he balled his fists at his sides – he was fighting it.

  “I’m sorry,” he said, his voice low, his face hovering inches from mine. “I promised my dad I’d have this one done tomorrow. I’m not even close.”

  He did look sincere but, then again, I needed more than sincerity right now.

  I shook my head smirking with a careless shrug. Bringing the beer I picked back up from his toolbox to my lips, slowly, I tried to appear casual.

  Casten growled and grabbed my beer from me slamming it on the toolbox. “You have no idea what you’re doing to me,” his lips crashed against mine again.

  We did this back and forth game for a few minutes before he finally came up for air again, panting. “I really can’t, pretty girl. I have to get this block cleaned.”

  “My block could use some attention.”

  His head hung, resting against my shoulder.

  “I know. And I want to … but I have a job to do here.”

  I wasn’t going to beg him. Or would I?

  He had a job to do. “Can I at least watch?”

  “Sure.” He grinned, his mood improving. “But you have to keep that dress on and sit over there.” He gestured toward a chair in the corner. “If I can see you …” he shook his head at the thought, “…well, let’s just say I will forget about my job and that’s not a good thing right now.”

  “Alright, I get it.” I tipped my head the direction of the chair twenty feet away. “I’ll be waiting for you.”

  Casten grinned again. “I’ll hurry and then we’ll go back to my parent’s house.”

  That sounded like a plan to me. I couldn’t wait. Taking a seat, I opened the last beer and watched him closely.

  That was until I fell asleep.

  The next thing I knew, I was waking up in my own bed again, alone. Talk about a bad night.

  Rubbing my eyes, I tried to focus on why he hadn’t nailed me yet. Any other man would have, but no, not Casten and his locked down dick.

  I went through a number of contemplations that morning while I looked over a text message from Casten that said: Hope you slept well. Meet me for dinner tonight?

  Sure. Where?


  My mind was spinning wondering what this was between us, why he hadn’t got in my pants yet and why I couldn’t get in his.

  After spending a good hour in the shower, dumping a gallon of water in Adam’s bed, I was off to work Thursday morning.

  Work was slow which was nice. The stomach flu had apparently plagued the office leaving me and Bailey the only two besides the engine builders who were down stairs. I never left my cubicle and before I knew it, six o‘clock rolled around and I found myself at Lancaster’s in Mooresville waiting for Casten to arrive.

  As I sat there waiting, my nerves got to me. My palms were sweating and I couldn’t for the life of me keep from biting my nails. Before long I was downright chewing on them and then they were bleeding. Classy. I couldn’t sit still either and damn near scooted off the chair.

  See, this side of myself was the reason why I drank and dated at the same time. I couldn’t get out of my own way when it came to saying in
appropriate shit and being nervous.

  Anna, she was a pro at dating. Never had problems. My sister, Haley, same deal. She could talk sophisticated and all that.

  Me? I’d never dated. Not that this was a date. I wasn’t sure what this was. But my point was, whenever I was around the opposite sex, I did and said stupid things. At least when I drank I was relaxed enough to tame myself a little.

  The waiter came by, filling my glass and the one in front of me, with no one there. The waiter didn’t look at me, nor did I look up at him.

  Again, too nervous.

  Watching the water form tiny drops of condensation, soaking the white linen table cloth, my mind kept going back to a week ago, I was passed out on the floor of Anna’s room. Now look at me.

  Just when I was thinking it was too much and maybe I should just leave, he walked in all sure of himself with a pair of dark jeans and black button down shirt with the sleeves rolled up to the elbows. Of course, he had on a white CST Engines hat to match with loose strands of hair springing out. His eyes roamed the restaurant carefully before they settled on mine, smiling.

  It was then that Casten Riley gave me a little clue about him. He’s confident, that’s evident at first glance but there’s more to him than just being the confident, youngest Riley.

  Behind the adorable face, bright grass green eyes and mesmerizing smile was a boy who was so full of life and love that it was easy to mistake that for the exact same thing that drew me away from some people. Happy people freaked me out. I sometimes felt like they were smiling to cover up pain. No one smiles that much.

  Only Casten did. And it wasn’t to cover up anything. It was just him and I found it refreshing.

  I didn’t have anything to worry about with him. That’s not that I relaxed or anything, but I was starting to understand him a little more.